The brand identity presented below is one of multiple design options that were presented to a real client during the process of establishing their new brand identity system. The following brand elements are not officially representative of the organization or their current brand image. All company, product, and service names used in this project are for identification purposes only. Usage of these names, trademarks, and brands does not imply endorsement as these designs have not been officially affiliated with the Digital for Good organization.
What is Digital for Good?
Digital for Good is a digital health company that works with schools to create curriculum with the goal of helping kids limit the usage of screens. Digital for Good aims to nurture a healthy balance between online learning and alternative opportunities for classroom engagement.
Project Overview
Digital for Good was seeking logo ideas and concepts for their brand. They liked the colors navy and orange and wanted the brand to have a soft and welcoming look and feel to appeal to women, more specifically moms of grade school kids. They wanted the logo to incorporate a digital device or iconic symbol to subsequently build the brand around.
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